Ари Закарян: Плющенко на шоу в Турине покорились комбинации «четверной тулуп – тройной тулуп» и «тройной аксель – тройной тулуп»
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Note to ISU Communication No. 1622, item 5, eligibility of Mr. Evgeny Plushenko (RUS) 23 Aug 2010 08:56 Further to the Decision of the ISU Council on the eligibility of Mr. Evgeny Plushenko published in ISU Communication No.1622, item 5, the ISU informs that no appeal against this Decision has been filed by Mr. Evgeny Plushenko within the 21 day deadline and that as a result the above Decision of the Council has become final. The ISU Members are obliged to take due notice of the ineligibility of Mr. Evgeny Plushenko for any ISU activity. Fredi Schmid ISU Director General |
Мираника пишет: |
Плющенко оспорит дисквалификацию в суде Опубликовано: 11:32 (24.08.2010) |
Bracket пишет: |
12 июня в Амстердаме Совет ИСУ на своем заседании проголосовал единогласно "за" по вопросу восстановления Евгения Плющенко в статусе "допускаемого" спортсмена. |
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8. Reinstatement Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) Based on a request of the Figure Skating Federation of Russia and in line with the applicable ISU Regulations, Rule 103, the ISU Council agreed to reinstate the Russian Figure Skater Mr. Evgeni Plushenko with immediate effect. Evgeni Plushenko will therefore be allowed to compete again in ISU sanctioned competitions. For the ISU the same applies for the Olympic Winter Games. |
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