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Соревнования будут проводитса по классам:
Hobby class 1
Hobby class 2
Pre-Chicks A class 2004/2005
Free Program: Boys and Girls 2 min. (+/-10 sec.)
CHICKS A and B class
born in 2002/2003 and younger
Free Program: Boys and Girls 2 min. (+/-10 sec.)
CUBS A and B class
born in 2000/2001 and younger
Free Program: Boys 2.30 min. (+/-10 sec.), Girls 2 min. (+/-10 sec.)
SPRINGS A and B class
born in 1998/99
Free Program: Boys 3 min. (+/-10 sec), Girls 2.30 min. (+/-10 sec.)
DEBS A and B class
born in 1996/97
Free Program: Boys 3.30 min. (+/-10 sec.), Girls 3 min. (+/-10 sec.)
NOVICE in compliance with Comm. 1397
born in 1994/95 and younger
Short Program: max 2.30 min.
Free Program: Boys 3.30 min. (+/-10 sec.), Girls 3 min. (+/-10 sec.)
JUNIORS Short and Free Program. According to the ISU regulations 310, 320 and Communications No. 1494, 1504. No lower age limit (i.e. may be younger than 13).
In the Hobby-class categories and B-class judging hall be done in the 6.0 system. All A-class categories shall be judged according to the new ISU judging system.