Adx пишет: |
bregalad пишет: Adx пишет: И да, никаким "антизападником" Гитлер не был Да ну? Прочитайте вот эту его речь: Adolf Hitler: Speech Declaring War Against the United States (December 11, 1941) И? Какая связь между США и Британской Империей? Или "Запад" - это США, Великобритания и Франция, а "Восток" - это Германия, Италия, Япония, Румыния и Испания? Напомню, что война между Британией и Францией с одной стороны, и Германией с другой, формально началась 1 сентября 1939 года (хотя до 1940 она была на бумаге, реально защищать Польшу никто не планировал), а США все эти годы благоразумно соблюдали нейтралитет. Никакой личной антипатии к этому "Западу" (кроме Франции, разумеется) у Гитлера не было. |
Вы здесь много писали об истории, о том, что каждый ее выворачивает и трактует как ему хочется. Но в этом случае Вы и сами не потрудились прочитать первоисточник, прежде чем писать этот ответ. Я понимаю, конечно, речь длинная, да и содержание такое, что читать ее — удовольствие малое. Впрочем, как и смотреть российское пропагандисткое ТВ или читать патриотические ресурсы — стиль тот же.
Насчет личной антипатии — да весь этот текст ей пронизан! (Слишком много примеров — возьми оттуда любой абзац.)
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And now permit me to define my attitude to that other world, which has its representative in that man (Roosevelt), who, while our soldiers are fighting in snow and ice, very tactfully likes to make his chats from the fireside, the man who is the main culprit of this-war... So far as Germany's attitude towards America is concerned, I have to state: (i) Germany is perhaps the only great power which has never had a colony either in North or South America, or otherwise displayed there any political activity, unless mention be made of the emigration of many millions of Germans and of their work, which, however, has only been to the benefit of the American Continent and of the U.S.A. (ii) In the whole history of the coming into being and of the existence of the U.S.A. the German Reich has never adopted a politically unfriendly, let alone hostile attitude, but, on the contrary with the blood of many of its sons, it helped to defend the U.S.A. The German Reich never took part in any war against the U.S.A... But it is a fact that the two conflicts between Germany and the U.S.A. were inspired by the same force and caused by two men in the U.S.A.-Wilson and Roosevelt... But why is there now another President of the U.S.A. who regards it as his only task to intensify anti-German feeling to the pitch of war? ... I understand only too well that a world-wide distance separates Roosevelt's ideas and my ideas. Roosevelt comes from a rich family and belongs to the class whose path is smoothed in the Democracies. I am only the child of a small, poor family and had to fight my way by work and industry. When the Great War came, Roosevelt occupied a position where he got to know only its pleasant consequences, enjoyed by those who do business while others bleed. I was only one of those who carry out orders, as an ordinary soldier, and naturally returned from the war just as poor as I was in Autumn 1914. I shared the fate of millions, and Franklin Roosevelt only the fate of the so-called Upper Ten Thousand. |
А мы сейчас говорим "золотой миллиард".
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After the war Roosevelt tried his hand at financial speculation: he made profits out of the inflation, out of the misery of others, while I, together with many hundreds of thousands more, lay in hospital. When Roosevelt finally stepped on the political stage with all the advantages of his class, I was unknown and fought for the resurrection of my people. When Roosevelt took his place at the head of the U.S.A., he was the candidate of a Capitalist Party which made use of him: when I became Chancellor of the German Reich, I was the Führer of the popular movement I had created. The powers behind Roosevelt were those powers I had fought at home. The Brains Trust was composed of people such as we have fought against in Germany as parasites and removed from public life. |
Какие силы стояли за Рузвельтом — намек понятен. Те самые паразиты, которые усилиями нарола были удалены из публичной жизни Германии.
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While an unprecedented revival of economic life, culture and art took place in Germany under National Socialist leadership within the space of a few years, President Roosevelt did not succeed in bringing about even the slightest improvements in his own country. |
Мы встаем с колен, а Запад загнивает.
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All this is not surprising if one bears in mind that the men he had called to support him (Roosevelt), or rather, the men who had called him, belonged to the Jewish element, whose interests are all for disintegration and never for order... Thus began the increasing efforts of the American President to create conflicts, to do everything to prevent conflicts from being peacefully solved. For years this man harboured one desire-that a conflict should break out somewhere in the world. The most convenient place would be in Europe... From November 1938 onwards, his systematic efforts were directed towards sabotaging any possibility of an appeasement policy in Europe. |
Да, все конфликты инспирированы Америкой, которая препятствует их решению мирным путем.
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As a consequence of the further extension of President Roosevelt's policy, which is aimed at unrestricted world domination and dictatorship the U.S.A. together with England have not hesitated from using any means to dispute the rights of the German, Italian and Japanese nations to the basis of their natural existence. The Governments of the U.S.A. and of England have therefore resisted, not only now but also for all time, every just understanding meant to bring about a better New Order in the world. |
Англосаксы и примкнувшие к ним иудеи хотят установить Новый Порядок в мире (= однополярный мир).
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Ever since my last peace proposal of July 1940 was rejected, we have realized that this struggle has to be fought out to its last implications. That the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish-Capitalist World finds itself now in one and the same Front with Bolshevism does not surprise us National Socialists: we have always found them in company. |
Англо-саксы, согласно этому источнику, объединились с большевиками потому, что большевизм тоже был создан в 1917-м той же ненавистной силой (третьей по счету в этом перечислении).
Надо сказать, читать такие (думаю, в реальности многочасовые) речи — удовольствие то еще. Как только современники это выдерживали? Наверно, просто потому, что они были в экстазе, все как один.
Я выбрал несколько небольших отрывков, касающихся отношения к Америке. Ну а начинается речь, конечно же, с того, что "нам не оставили выбора". Плюс защита немецкого меньшинства в Польше и т.п. при игнорировании любых предложений Германии о мирном решении этих проблем. Наращивание советских войск на границе с Германией и т.п. Даже цитаты здесь не нужны, смотрите длиннющее начало речи.