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Искусственный интеллект

Сообщений: 8149
27.04.2023, 19:51
Искусственный интеллект
Как известно, самая модная нынче тема - нейронные сети, и в частности, системы генерации текста и разговоров. За кого-то сеть диплом написала, кто-то говорит, что скоро всех разгонят, и на приличных должностях останутся одни нейросети, а все люди уйдут работать в курьеры.
Самая популярная в мире нейросеть такого типа Chat-GPT, доступ к которой владеющей ей компанией в России закрыт (ну как закрыт, желающие найдут способы обхода, разумеется).
Но светлые головы из Стендфорда мало того, что придумали, как упростить модель без сильной потери качества, так ещё и выложили данные и модель в открытом виде.
Дальнейшие модификации позволили запускать модели на всё более простом железе, вплоть до Raspberry Pi. (с определёнными ограничениями).
Моделей много, основная проблема в том, что для большинства нужно видеокарту с не менее чем 12, а лучше 16 GB видеопамяти, что есть далеко не у всех.
Но, к счастью, есть варианты для запуска на системах с простой видеокартой, с расчетами на процессоре.
Интересно, занимаются ли в российских научных учреждениях такими вещами? )

Так или иначе, попробовал разные модели, решил проверить, как они разбираются в фк (спойлер, не очень, но с фантазией у них всё хорошо).
Модели отличаются числом параметров (чем больше, тем в среднем лучше, 13b лучше 7b) и числом бит (8 лучше 4х).
Все вопросы на английском, русский нейросети знают существенно хуже.


Alpaca 30b 4bit
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what is Salchow? (Что такое Сальхов?)
Salchow (also known as a forward inside axel) is a figure skating jump with one revolution in which the skater takes off from an outside edge, jumps into the air and lands on the opposite foot. It was named after Ulrich Salchow who first performed it at the 1908 Olympics.

what is lutz jump? (Что такое прыжок Лутц?)
The Lutz Jump, also known as the Toe Loop Jump or simply the Lutz, is one of the most difficult jumps in figure skating. It involves a takeoff from an outside edge and landing on the opposite foot while rotating 180 degrees clockwise.

what is quadruple jump? (Что такое четверной прыжок?)
Quadruple Jump (QJ) is a figure skating element in which the skater takes off from one foot and lands on the same foot, completing four rotations in the air before landing. It requires great strength and balance to execute correctly.

what is step sequence in figure skating?
Step sequences are choreographed routines of jumps, spins and footwork performed by figure skaters during their programs. They typically consist of a series of steps that form patterns on the ice, such as circles or squares. Step sequences can be used to showcase technical skills, artistry and musical interpretation.

who is Alina Zagitova?
Aliana Zagitova is a Russian figure skater who won gold at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. She also became the youngest Olympic champion since Tara Lipinski in 1998 and the first female athlete from Russia to win an individual event at the Games since Irina Slutskaya in 2006.

LLaMA-7B 8bit
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what is Salchow?
A figure skating jump.

what is lutz jump?
A Lutz Jump is a figure skating move in which the skater jumps forward, then spins around while airborne. The name comes from its inventor, Dick Button, who was known as "The Lutz King."

what is quadruple jump?
A quadruple jump is a figure skating move in which the skater jumps four times. The first two are forward, then backward, followed by another pair of forwards.

what is step sequence in figure skating?
A series of steps performed by a single skater.

who is Alina Zagitova?
She's a Russian figure skater.

Alpaca 7b 4bit:
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what is Salchow?
Salchow (or sal-CHOW) is one of six basic figure skating jumps, named after its inventor Ulrich Salzgeber and first performed in competition by Axel Paulsen at the 1908 Olympics.
It requires a half loop followed immediately with an axle jump off either foot onto two feet together on landing (in which case it is called "the double") or one-foot, then another half loop to complete three revolutions and return back up in the air for takeoff again ("triple").

what is lutz jump?
Lutz Jump (or Lutze) is a figure skating move that involves an athlete performing two full rotations on one foot followed by another rotation with the other leg. It was named after Ulrich "Uli" Ltzhuser, who invented it in 1936 and won gold medals at both World Championships (in 1947) as well as Olympic Games (in 1952).

what is quadruple jump?
A quadruple jump, also known as a quads or the Salchow/Toeloop combination in figure skating and ice dancing, consists of two full rotations on one foot followed by another rotation with the other leg. It was invented by Ulrich Seidel (Germany) who won gold medals at both World Championships 1987 as well as Olympic Games 1988 for this jump combination.
The quadruple is currently worth more than double points in International Skating Union competitions, and it has become the most difficult element to land since its introduction into competition.

who is Alina Zagitova?
Alinza Zagitova (Russian: Алина Загитова) was born on 19 December, 2003 in Moscow. She started skating at the age of four and made her international debut when she won gold medals for Russia both at European Championships as well as World Junior Figure Skating Championship held last year.

Alpaca 13b 4bit:
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what is Salchow?
Salchow (pronounced "Salt-show") was an early figure skating jump that involved a takeoff from the back inside edge of one foot and landing on another, with both feet remaining in contact with the ice. It has been superseded by more difficult jumps such as the Lutz or Axel Jump

what is lutz jump?
A type of backflip where you rotate 180 degrees in mid-air and land on your feet. It's a very difficult trick to do, but it looks really cool when done right!

what is quadruple jump?
A quadruple jump consists of four consecutive rotations in the air and landing on two feet. It can be performed either forward or backward, but it requires a lot more skill to do so backwards than forwards

who is Alina Zagitova?
Aliana Zagitova (Russian: Алина Загитова; born 12 June 2002) is a Russian figure skater. She won the gold medal in women's singles at the 2018 Winter Olympics, becoming Russia s first Olympic champion since Sochi and its youngest female individual athlete to win an Olympic title (aged 15 years).

gpt4all 7b 4bit:
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(Очень туго с ответами по фк, но что-то добиться удалось)

what is Salchow jump in figure skating?
Salchow Jump (SJ) or simply the salchow is a type of ice-skater's spin that involves one revolution around an axis perpendicular to their body. It was named after its inventor, Ulrich Salchau from Germany who first performed it in 1904 at the Winter Olympics held in St. Louis (USA).

who is Alina Zagitova?
Alinazhigitova, also known as Alina Zagitova or simply "Ally" by her fans and peers alike. She's a Russian figure skater who won gold medals in the 2018 Winter Olympics for both individual women’s event (figure skating) and team events with Russia.

gpt4-x-alpaca 13b 4bit
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what is Salchow?
The Salchow is a figure skating jump where the skater jumps onto the ice, rotates in mid-air, and then lands back down on one foot. It was named after the Swedish figure skater Sven Tumbler Salchow, who popularized it in the early 1900s. The move requires a combination of speed, power, and balance to execute properly.

what is lutz jump?
The Lutz Jump, also known as the Looping Leap or the Eulerian Circle, is a figure skating move in which the skater rotates their body in the air to create a circle or loop before landing. It requires a great deal of speed and skill, with the athlete's arms and legs stretched outward in opposite directions during the rotation. The Lutz Jump was named after American figure skater John Lutz, who popularized it in the 1960s.

what is quadruple jump in skating?
In figure skating, a quadruple jump refers to a jumping technique wherein the athlete rotates four times in the air before landing back down on the ice. This move requires significant skill and athleticism as it involves an extended period of rotation while in midair, increasing the chances of loss of control or injury if performed improperly. When executed successfully, however, quadruple jumps can add substantial height to a skater's overall performance, providing an impressive visual display for audiences.

who is Alina Zagitova?
Alina Zagitova is a Russian figure skater who currently holds the world record for the highest score in the Figure Skating Olympic Games history, set at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. She won the gold medal in the team event and individual free skate program.

Можно заметить, что у разных моделей разный уровень знаний, но вот с фантазией у всех очень хорошо.
Видно, что относительно простые (видеокарты уровня 4080 у меня нет) бесплатные модели на уровень человека пока никак не тянут, но работа идёт.
Сбер собирается свою нейросеть скоро в общий доступ запустить, посмотрим, что у неё с фк.

Все протестированные модели доступны любому заинтересованному, могут быть свободно (и легально) скачаны с инета.
Протестировано на машине Ryzen 3700х с 32 Гб памяти и SSD.
Видеокарта в процессе тестирования не использовалась.
Если кому-то тема интересна, могу дать ссылки. Или задать вопросы выбранной модели.

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