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Чемпионат мира 2022 в Монпелье

Сообщений: 13003
01.03.2022, 17:54
Чемпионат мира 2022 в Монпелье
ИСУ последовал рекомендации МОК.


The ISU Council reiterates its solidarity with all those affected by the conflict in Ukraine and our thoughts are with the entire Ukrainian people and country. The ISU Council reaffirms its full solidarity with the ISU Members in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Speed Skating Federation and the Ukrainian Figure Skating Federation. The ISU Council will evaluate possibilities for swift humanitarian assistance to its Ukrainian ISU Members.

The ISU Council carefully evaluated the IOC Statement of February 28, 2022 ( https://news.isu.ch/731E-433Z-KEJ1I-282JB-0/c.aspx ) as well as appeals received from ISU Members and others calling for a ban on the participation of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus in ISU Events and other International Skating competitions. 

Following the IOC recommendation, in order to protect the integrity of ice skating competitions and for the safety of all the participants of international ice skating competitions, the ISU Council based on Article 17.i.q)i) of the ISU Constitution, agreed that with immediate effect and until further notice, no Skaters belonging to the ISU Members in Russia (Russian Skating Union and the Figure Skating Federation of Russia) and Belarus (Skating Union of Belarus) shall be invited or allowed to participate in International ice skating Competitions including ISU Championships and other ISU Events. The same applies to Officials listed in the respective ISU Communications and/or Regulations under Russia and Belarus.

The ISU Council will continue to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and its impact on the ISU activity and will take additional steps if and when required.

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