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Спорт и школа

Сообщений: 889
22.08.2012, 13:24
Спорт и школа
RS пишет:
Profi20, про ЮЧМ, я же пошутила нам ваш способ не подходит, как раз потому что ребенок в одиночку вообще никак не концентируется. И если над ним не стоять - ничего сам не сделает...То есть если взрослый стоит над душой - тренер, мама, бабушка, чужая мама - то уроки будут сделаны довольно быстро. А если никто не стоит, то он сам встанет на уши, лишь бы ничего не делать. И сам процесс хождения в школу ему нравится, на уроках ему интересно, нравится, как учителя объясняют. Проблема - в домашних заданиях....
У нас была ситуация с точностью наоборот. Ребёнок дома много занимался, а из школы приносил тройки. Перешли на домашнее обучение, ситуация стабилизировалась. Вот её сочинение за 6й класс (правда, это пока лучше, что удалось за год, но у неё это был первый год обучения по английской системе). В классе бы она такое не написала:
Every season has a beauty.
There are four seasons in the year and every season is beautiful in its own way. These four seasons are almost the same, with a little difference in the UAE. But they are absolutely different in such countries as USA, Canada, Russia, and many other countries.

It is a universal truth that all of seasons have their own advantages. Isn’t it wonderful to tramp down the country lanes on frosty winter day? Everything is white with snow and it crunches under your feet. The rime sparkles on the branches and the icicles like precious diamonds hand from the roofs of the houses. In winter you can skate, ski, sledge, play snow balls fight, or make a snowman.

Winter is a celebration time because all people celebrate Merry Christmas, New Year Eve, and Valentine’s Day. Everything is shiny and beautiful, everybody is happy. People decorate Christmas trees and greet each other. Families join together. Those, who are in love, send flowers and gifts as a sign of their devotion and care. Thus, winter is a season of fests, unity and love.

Right after winter we have long-awaited spring, whereas days become longer. Warm wind blows up heavy grey clouds and the sun shines brightly in the cloudless azure sky. In spring you can notice the murmur of streams and rivers, the melting of snow, and the way first flowers are starting to appear. Children walk to the woods to collect the first snowdrops and to present them to their moms on the Mother’s Day. The snowdrops are very tender and beautiful with its purple, golden, azure, light pink and blue shade. All mothers love very much the snowdrops presented by their children.

Soon, summer is coming. In summer you can go to the sea to play in the beach or to swim. You can choose many your favorite outdoor games. For example, every summer I enjoy playing on the beach, making castles and forts with the sand. When we become older, we begin to notice the murmur of the sea and many other beautiful things; for instance, magnificence of the lunar path on the water in the darkness. The air is fresh, and it is easy to breathe.

I like to lie in the sun getting bronze, paddle in the water or get splashed by the waves. But it is not every year that you can go to the seaside. Sometimes I spend my holidays in the country. Most of my time I spend in the woods gathering berries, mushrooms, and flowers.

The last beautiful season of the year is autumn. In autumn, all the trees become golden, orange, scarlet, and even purple. The corn has turned golden and farmers reap it and put it in their barns. The air is fresh and full of autumn’s fragrance of ripe apples, plums, peaches and, of course, colored asters and chrysanthemums.

Thus, if one have never seen every season of the year, he can never understand how beautiful are all of them. It is also impossible to say whether you love it or you don’t. In my opinion, everyone should have an idea about the features of the various times of the year in order to be able to understand better their peculiarity, beauty, and charm!


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