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Допуск россиян на Зимнюю Олимпиаду 2026

Сообщений: 9414
20.12.2024, 16:16
Допуск россиян на Зимнюю Олимпиаду 2026
Figurka51 пишет:
ISU разрешил российским фигуристам участвовать в отборе на Олимпиаду-2026.
Об этом говорится в документе на сайте Международного союза конькобежцев (ISU).


Today, the International Skating Union (ISU) announces a pathway to allow a limited number of Individual Neutral Athletes (AIN) to participate under strict conditions in designated Olympic Qualifying Events for the 2025/26 season. This decision applies to Figure Skating, Speed Skating, and Short Track Speed Skating disciplines under the Olympic Qualification System (OQS) for Milano Cortina 2026.

Recognizing that competing in the Olympic Winter Games is the pinnacle of any skater’s career, the ISU has carefully examined the feasibility of implementing the IOC’s recommendations on creating a pathway to facilitate the participation of athletes affiliated with ISU Members in Russia (Russian Skating Union and the Figure Skating Federation of Russia) and Belarus (Skating Union of Belarus) in the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026.

The ISU noted the peaceful participation of AINs at the Olympic Summer Games in Paris 2024 and with this perspective in mind, reaffirms its commitment to fostering safe, peaceful, and fair competitions at Milano Cortina 2026.

Following thorough deliberations, the ISU has decided to adapt the implementation of ISU Communication 2469. The new participation conditions will only apply to the below designated competitions forming part of the OQS and will not apply to ISU competitions and Championships in general.

Designated competitions

Only one neutral athlete (including one pair in Pair Skating and one couple in Ice Dance) from the ISU Members in Russia (Russian Skating Union and the Figure Skating Federation of Russia) and only one neutral athlete (including one pair for Pair Skating and one couple for Ice Dance) from the Skating Union of Belarus may be eligible to participate per event in designated OQS competitions, with no relay or team participation.

The participation is limited to the following provisionally allotted competitions:

Figure Skating:

ISU Figure Skating Olympic Qualifying Competition – September 17-21, 2025 – Beijing, China

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