Skrekk пишет: |
Орсер наверно не так понял. Или его не так поняли. Нормальное вью Авербуха, не скажите И когда он говорил насчёт ухода Жени , видно - переживает. За детей на проекте он переживает тоже. |
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Цитируемая фраза 1:
"The main thing is she needs to have a voice in her own skating," Orser said. "We have been discussing music, what direction we want to go – she has never had that luxury before. She told me it was, 'This is what you're skating to. This is the order of your spins, these are your spin positions.'''
Цитируемые фраза 2:
Will one of them be fixing the "flutz" – the wrong edge takeoff on Medvedeva's triple lutz – that has been a subject of controversy, since judges rarely call her on it?
"I'm going to do my best," Orser said, with a laugh. "I have been looking at it already. I'm not going try to disguise it or put it in a corner.
"That's not going to be an easy one, but I think she's open to this. She's open to the change."