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Дневник соревнований "Русская зима - 2007"

Сообщений: 151
12.02.2007, 14:59
Дневник соревнований "Русская зима - 2007"
Чтобы не быть голословной, предлагаю обратиться к источникам.
Например описание на 2007 г. для Соревнований Взрослых любителей в Оберстдорфе ( которые проходят под эгидой ИСУ)
http://www.ice-dome.com/announcement.pdf - Вот выдержка для бронзы (Если требуется перевод-напишу):
A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must
perform a well-balanced program that must contain:
a. A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps
are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps
can be included.
A jump combination may consist of the same or another
single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or
jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump
combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the
other two up to two (2) listed jumps.
A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps
that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, halfloops
etc. immediately following each other while
maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be not more
than two (2) three turns/Mohawks during the sequence;
there can be no crossovers or stroking during the sequence.
However, only the two jumps with the highest value will
Any solo jump can be repeated only once and this repetition
must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump
Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of
connecting footwork, preceding single or double jumps.
b. A maximum of two (2) spins;
The spins must have a required minimum number of
revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and
no change of foot and four (4) for the spin combination with
no change of foot and eight (8) for the spin combination with
change of foot. Flying spins are not permitted.
There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each
position or the position will not be counted.
c. A maximum of one step sequence (i.e, circular, straight line,
serpentine) or spiral sequence covering at least 50% of the
usual pattern (e.g. half a circle, half a serpentine, half of a
straight line etc.). In case of a circular step sequence a full
circle is required covering 1/2 the ice surface.
Additional spiral sequences and step sequences will not be
counted as a step sequence but will be counted as movesin-
the field (transitions) and marked as such.
Duration The maximum time is 1:40 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panels points for each Program Component are multiplied
by a factor of 1.6
Pair Skating Pair events consists of Free Skating only. Each pair must consist
of a man and a lady.

Как видите ничего про то, что лутц и флип к бронзе не относятся , здесь не сказано, так же как и про каскады с ними.
А вращения со сменой ноги разрешены ( и про запрет либелы со сменой тоже ничего не говорится)

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